Frank Mora v Stacey Koch


On April 4, 2023, New York State Supreme Court Justice Maria G. Rosa dismissed a lawsuit brought by Poughkeepsie City Court Judge Frank Mora against a woman who had complained about him to the Commission on Judicial Conduct.

In December 2022, Judge Mora sued Stacey Koch, claiming that it was defamatory for her to have made a complaint against him to the Commission. Ms. Koch is represented by Victor A. Kovner and Raphael Holoszyc-Pimentel of Davis Wright Tremaine.

The Commission intervened in the suit, due to its unique and substantial interest in protecting the integrity of its inquiries from attempts to inhibit witnesses from coming forward or cooperating.

Both Ms. Koch and the Commission filed motions to dismiss the lawsuit, which Judge Rosa granted. Judge Rosa also scheduled a hearing on April 27, 2023, to determine the fees and costs to be assessed against Judge Mora.

Mora v Koch Decision