

Commission Member Appointing Authority First Appointed Expiration of Term
Joseph W. Belluck, Chair Former Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 2008 3/31/2024
Taa Grays, Vice Chair Senate President Pro Tem Andrea Stewart-Cousins 2017 3/31/2027
Fernando M. Camacho Former Chief Judge Janet DiFiore 2021 3/31/2024
John A. Falk Former Chief Judge Janet DiFiore 2017 3/31/2025
Robert J. Miller Governor Kathy Hochul 2018 3/31/2026
Nina M. Moore Governor Kathy Hochul 2023 3/31/2027
Marvin Ray Raskin Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie 2018 3/31/2026
Ronald J. Rosenberg Former Senate Minority Leader John J. Flanagan 2020 3/31/2024
Graham B. Seiter Assembly Minority Leader William A. Barclay 2021 3/31/2025
Anil C. Singh Chief Judge Rowan D. Wilson 2023 3/31/2026
Akosua Garcia Yeboah Former Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 2016 3/31/2025

The current members of the Commission and their terms of office are listed above.

There are 11 members of the Commission on Judicial Conduct.  Each serves a renewable four-year term.  Four members are appointed by the Governor, three by the Chief Judge, and one each by the Speaker of the Assembly, the Minority Leader of the Assembly, the Temporary President of the Senate (Majority Leader) and the Minority Leader of the Senate.

Of the four members appointed by the Governor, one shall be a judge, one shall be a member of the New York State bar but not a judge, and two shall not be members of the bar, judges or retired judges.  Of the three members appointed by the Chief Judge, one shall be a justice of the Appellate Division, one shall be a judge of a court other than the Court of Appeals or Appellate Division, and one shall be a justice of a town or village court.  None of the four members appointed by the legislative leaders shall be judges or retired judges.

The Commission elects a Chair and a Vice Chair from among its members for renewable two-year terms, and appoints an Administrator who shall be a member of the New York State bar who is not a judge or retired judge.  The Administrator appoints and directs the agency staff.  The Commission also has a Clerk who plays no role in the investigation or litigation of complaints but assists the Commission in its consideration of formal charges, preparation of determinations and related matters. 

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