NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct (Albany Office)
You can send your complaint by mail by printing out this page and filling out the complaint form, or by sending your own letter to the address below. Please remember to sign the letter and include your contact information, including your mailing address and phone number.
Your complaint should be as detailed as possible, including a description of the alleged misconduct, the name of the judge, and any additional information you have such as the court, the name of the case, the name(s) of the attorney(s), the date or dates on which the misconduct allegedly occurred, etc.
Please do not submit original records. The Commission cannot return any documents you send us with your complaint. Please note that it is not necessary to send multiple copies. Commission staff will make copies of your complaint as needed for review.
New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
Empire State Plaza
Corning Tower, Suite 2301
Albany, NY 12223
Background Information
Today's Date: _________________________
Your Full Name: (Mr. Ms. Mx.)_____________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: ________________
Home Phone: _____________________ Business Phone: ____________________
Are you or were you represented by a lawyer? _____ Yes _____ No
Lawyer's Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: _________________ Zip Code: ________________
Telephone: _____________________________________________________________
Complaint Information
Judge's Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Judge's Court: _______________________________ County: ____________________________
Date(s) of Incident(s): _____________________________________________________________
Name of Case (if applicable): _____________________________________________________
Index Number of Case (if known): ________________________________________________
Details of Complaint
Please describe the alleged misconduct in as much detail as possible including what happened, where and when, the names of any
witnesses, what was said, and in what tone of voice, etc. Use additional sheets if necessary.
Complainant's Signature (Required):