All complaints must be signed and in writing. You can fill out our complaint form online, print the form and mail it, or send us a letter describing the alleged misconduct.
Read about our Procedures for handling complaints and the Confidentiality of our proceedings.
The Commission is an independent agency created by the New York Constitution to investigate complaints against New York judges.
The Commission enforces the Rules Governing Judicial Conduct, which require judges to observe high standards of conduct to promote public confidence in the judiciary, while maintaining essential judicial independence.
Where appropriate, a judge found to have engaged in unethical behavior may be admonished, censured or removed from office. A disciplined judge may request review in the Court of Appeals, New York's highest court.
Albany Corning Tower Suite 2301 Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Telephone: 518-453-4600 Fax: 518-486-1850
61 Broadway Suite 1200 New York, New York 10006 Telephone: 646-386-4800 Fax: 646-458-0037
400 Andrews Street Suite 700 Rochester, New York 14604 Telephone: 585-784-4141 Fax: 585-232-7834